Monday, 7 January 2013


Damn!!!What IS it about music that it transports me to a whole new world? Leaving behind dejection and disappointment, major and minor?!Its a gift that God has bestowed on us mere mortals. It has so much passion,so much sincerity,so much power to tug at the heartstrings.It's like the song is saying what you have always wanted to but for some reason have not been able to.And they are amazing teachers I must say!!Yes, music speaks to you and brings you back on track when you go off it.You can absolutely always trust and rely on it to remind you who you are and what you have aspired and that you shouldn't go off track but go on.
And yet,I don't even need the best of classic music. I very honestly confess,I am not the classic music fan,yes I absolutely adore some songs but majorly I am the pop, R&B and trance listener.And sometimes its not even the lyrics which might be oh-so-ordinary,its the music!!The music is what catches my fascination first!Case in point,the song I am listening to right now.An R&B version of Chhamak Chhalo.There are no flashy lyrics to the song but the music,it has given such a whole new dimension to the song and transported it to another level altogether.I cannot stop going for the replay button everytime the song ends.You know,music has amazing attribute that they make you firmly rise above trivial matters.The music empowers you so much that you learn to rise above trivial matters once and forever!You are actually above puny matters when you are empowered by music.
Once when I was really down looking at how things in life were going ahead,a  friend whom I respect a lot told me that never make someone your dearest asset,make SOMETHING your dearest asset!!!The word ever so true!!Music for sure is one asset which no one can take away from me.So do you know your asset?If no,then tune into your favorite music and close your eyes,you will see that one thing you live for in this world,your purpose of existence

Oh...sorry had lost track!!Just replayed that song yet again!!

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