Yo!! So it's like this y'all
M gettin' up finally, standin straight n tall
Gonna get right up everytime I fall
Imma make my own dough
Got that money in the flow
So everybody, everybody, listen up yo!
Shawty makin' dough. *Gangsta music follows*
Yeah, maybe I won't make such a good rap star after all!But then whose fancy don't they catch? They got the ladies, they got the money, they got everythin(g)! But yeah, all said & done I shouldn't be a rap star!
It's again that time when my hands beg me to reach out to my laptop and write something. And I am more than happy to consent, because I actually feel more than happy. There are two types of happiness- one, where you are content & you tell yourself, hey this isn't bad & the other, when you feel it within you, when you dance impromptu on the roads( happens a lot with me!), you sing songs out loud & you enjoy work as much as getting wet in torrential rains(yeah, did that yesterday night!)I have transcended from the former to the latter currently. Things really seem to be working out great right now! A lot of activity is expected in the near future and I just seem to be in an upbeat, cheerful & enthusiastic mood! The following could be some of the reasons-
1) Got my first paycheck! Yeah, unlike most of my friends for whom the 'pehli taarikh' rakes in happiness, I have varying dates. So this month officially marked my economic independence. I am almost on the verge of completing my first project, a documentary on Asia' largest children's club!! Yup, that's in my city! Seeing the project come alive right in front of my eyes is so creatively satiating! More so because it is almost similar to how I envisioned it. Now of course every creator is biased towards his creation but somehow I feel this is quite sound, technically too. Work on two more projects is also in progress and it's going well. I think they are going to turn out great! I, on my part, am at least going to ensure they turn out to be the best! I am going to give it my all, just like with my maiden production & directorial venture! :D The trailer of the documentary will be out next week, please do watch it then!
2) AMAZON is going to delight me with another joy.The book that I waited impatiently patiently for two weeks will finally be delivered today! YOU ARE NOT ALONE: MICHAEL THROUGH A BROTHER'S EYES!! It's a biography on the King Of Pop by his brother, Jermaine Jackson. Having read sections of the book at Crosswords in Pune, the toying of the thought of buying it ends today. And of course there is the pride of ME paying for it! Speaking of purchases, I am also investing my money in a tripod for my new DSLT, demands of the profession you see! ;)
3) Work seems to have occupied my life completely and I am so not complaining! It feels great to be weary & tired after the day's work & have the soundest of sleeps only to get up, early in the morning feeling fresh & optimistic about the day ahead! Sometimes, I feel nervous that I am actually so happy and though I don't really believe in the 'nazar lag jaegi' nonsense, I do pray that I feel the same the next morning & the morning/s to follow. Time never stays the same. But as long as it is the way it is right now, I don't care. I am actually doing stuff, planning & shooting & editing & running around to get more & more work! It's insatiable, not to forget necessary as well! It also makes me value my Sundays, though not all of them are holidays.
4) Completed reading a nice book, THE ONE YOU CANNOT HAVE by PREETI SHENOY. It was a good read, quite empathetic though certain scenarios in the book are again typical of Indian fiction authors, they are so unreal. Okay, I understand that we all love escapism but the way it's depicted makes it too 'convenient'. It's there to make all the pieces of the jigsaw fit perfectly whereas I feel there should be some irregularity, something unconventional, something that shouldn't have happened. Also, some characters in the story were reminiscent of some of my friends. I particularly thought of the female lead character, Shruti & of the person she reminded me of, The One I Cannot Have. I missed her for some time after that. I also told her that Shruti reminded me of her.
5) Heard this amazing, amazing track by current heartthrob Arijit Singh from a blink & miss movie called JACKPOT. It is so uplifting & melodic! I have already heard it in a loop umpteen number of times. Heard it in entirety for the first time while driving home from work yesterday. Oh the feeling! The wind, the cloudy weather and the song, there is something so magical about music which when fused with the former two elements makes it out of the world. I am posting a link for it here. Please do listen to it, the tune on the mouth organ is my favorite part!!
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