Thursday, 20 September 2012

                            IS THE GRASS REALLY GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE?
Heard about this saying a lot of times and surprisingly,I never gave it a thought.About whether it is true,whether we really percieve things to be like that.But better late than never,the thought of it suddenly struck me tonight while sitting with a couple of friends.I cant quote verbatim what prompted it but I just went into a train of thoughts.Looking at one of my friend,I thought,would I be happier had I been in his place?Not a lot of analysis was needed to get the answer,and the answer was NO!Somehow I preferred to be where I am because thats what defines ME!Its a different thing to be aspire to be like someone and to desire to be like someone.Desire shows desperation.Aspiration is retaining your identity but still being something more than what you were.
Rewinding a couple of years back,I wondered if I thought or could ever think so then.No,I couldn't do that.Mostly,we do crave for things someone else has and degrade what we have with us.The desire to achieve something that you don't have and the others have evokes a irresistible desire to get it,right?Its so intense,impulsive and deep!And many a times after you get what you want,its importance also decreases with time.Once,just once think of what you have got.Look at your achievements,what you rightfully earned,how you were praised for it and how much pride and satisfaction you felt.I bet you,all your cravings will disappear.You realise how important it is to earn things in life.The sense of self respect and confidence that it evokes can be compared with nothing.Realizing it tonight,I promise myself to never compare my life with anyone else's.If I have to compare,I will compare what I was sometime back and what I am now.There has to be that innate feeling of growth in you.I know for sure that I am imbibing this funda right now!!You should try it too and trust me,you will see that the grass is not greener on the other side!Enjoy your lows,learn form them,make your highs and go for it!!

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